ASH Year End Gathering, 5 Dec 2014
Venue: To be advise later
Time : Dinner will starts at 19:00hrs
*Exchange X'mas Gift Value @$25.00 & above for each participant
ASH 31st Anniversary Dinner and Dance 2014, 15 Aug 2014
Time : 18:00hrs - 12:00midnight
Venue : Marriott Hotel, Singapore
ASH Annual General Meeting 2014-2016, 1 Aug 2014
Time : 16:00 - 20:00hrs
Venue : Marriott Hotel, Singapore
Hotel Housekeeping Challenge, 23 Jul 2014
ASH Educational Factories Visiting Tour to Guangzhou, 9 - 13 May 2014
Maximum No of Paxs: 28paxs
Minimum No of Paxs: 20paxs (Based on First come First Serve Basis)
Cut of Date: 23rd March 2014
For details please contact: Ivan Loh (ASH Activity Chairperson)
Housekeeping Development Programme for Hotel Room Attendant, 21 -22 Apr 2014
Association of Singapore Housekeepers together with e2i is organising a two days Housekeeping Professional Development Programme for Hotel Room Attendants on 21 and 22 April 2014. The key objectives of the programme is to equip room attendants with the skill sets to meet the business needs of the growing hospitality industry through improving knowledge in the followings:
1) Effective and faster bedmaking skills
2) Carpet cleaning and stain removal skills
3) Effective communication with guest
4) Good customer service
Workshop fees: Programme fees at S$400 for 2 days.
Singaporean/ Singaporean PRs are entitled to 50% funding grant
Workshop detail:
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: Employment and Employability Institute, Hall 1, 80 Jurong East Street 21, Singapore 609607
Visiting to Klenco Singapore, Apr 2014
ASH Lo Hei Dinner, 7 Feb 2014
Friday, 7th February 2014 @ 18:30hours
Old Hong Kong Legend, Raffles City Shopping Centre #02-18, Singapore 179103
Website: www.oldhongkong.com.sgTel: 6336 3038